domenica 13 giugno 2010

PostHeaderIcon My Reef

My Reef

“…Le mie donne come delle ninfe in mari lontani

di pesci esotici, che indossano parei di coralli

colorati in lino, georgette e jersey, borse con stelle

marine, coperte nel viso da grandi cappelli di

paglia con applicazioni variegate.

Circondate da spiagge bianche di sabbia

finissima, scaldate dal sole tropicale e ornate

dalle mie creazioni con collane, bracciali, anelli e

orecchini con coralli, turchesi, conchiglie e pietre

preziose montate in oro e argento.

Per un ideale disegno proveniente dal fondo

marino, trasferito in superficie, in quello che

sogno essere il mio mondo, la mia barriera corallina,

appunto il My Reef



My Reef

“...My women, like mermaids of far away oceans

moving amongst exotic creatures of the sea, are

dressed in coral pareos of splendid colours made

from linen, georgette and jersey, carrying bags

decorated with marine stars, and with their faces

hidden by big hats made of straw, the result of a

vivid imagination.

With sandy white beaches, as far as the eye

can see surrounding them, kissed by the tropical

sun and decorated by my creations of necklaces,

bracelets, rings and earrings, in coral, turquoise,

with seashells and precious stones set with gold

and silver.

An ideal design, brought to the surface from the

depths of the world of Poseidon himself, that is

where my dream world lie, a world of coral, and

that world is My Reef...”



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